Modding Tools
- TSC extension for Visual Studio Code by joexyzAn extension for Visual Studio Code that adds TSC language support and syntax highlighting. TSC extension for Visual Studio Code v1.1.0
- NPCTBL Hacking Tool by wedge of cheese A program that allows you to edit the "npc.tbl" file. NPCTBL Hacking Tool
- CSHacker by 183 â—†HwpVKLvioAEdits the window title as well as booster fuel (boost duration). CSHacker r1
- by Celtic Minstrel A command-line TSC converter. r1
- CS Physics Editor by Carrotlord Modifies the in-game physics of the Cave Story engine. CS Physics Editor v1.1
- .tsc Encoder/Decoder by Dwedit Converts .tsc files into plain text files and back again using a drag and drop method. .tsc Encoder/Decoder
- CMP Generator by Brayconn Generates tsc for changing tiles on the map. CMP Generator v1.2.1
- OOB Flag Generator by Leo40Story Generates tsc for manipulating ram values via out of bounds flags. OOB Flag Generator v1.1.1
- OrgAdder by Leo40Story Allows easy addition, removal and replacement of ORGs. OrgAdder v1.1.1
- CSZ Tools by ufo_z/JTE/andwhyisit Programs to extract and rebuild data.csz files for modding the PSP port of Cave Story. CSZ Tools v1.2
- Autohacker by carrotlord A python script for patching Doukutsu.exe with pre-made patch files. Autohacker 2
- Map Data Mover by Noxid Ports mapdata between PC and Mac executables. Map Data Mover v1.0.0.0
- TSC Converter by carrotlord/Bui A python script to convert tsc files to txt files and back again. TSC Converter r2
- Noxid's TSC Editor by Noxid A cross-platform TSC editor with an expanded feature set. TSC Editor v1.2.0.0
- Doukutsu Assembler by carrotlord A Cave Story specific disassembler and assembler written in Java. Doukutsu Assembler v1.31
- Voidsprite by cntrpl, ZLD1 and AndrewIdot Pixel art editor that can edit Cave Story's .pbm and .pxm files. Voidsprite 18.03.2025
- CE Script Editor by Wistil The script editor from Cave Editor as a stand-alone program. CE Script Editor v1.1
- Plus Porter by HaydenStudios For porting mods from Freeware PC to Cave Story+. Plus Porter v1.1.0.1
- Kaizo-ya by kura A standalone weapon editor. Kaizo-ya v0.8