
Soaprun is an online adventure game where you, a brave soaprunner, must traverse maze-like rooms full of monsters, magical fire, and the ghosts of fallen runners in order to reach your goal.
Unfortunately, likely due to the limitations of Pixel's server, the original server was taken down in 2011.
The game can still be played by using Soapdish to connect to a Soapdispenser server, such as this one .
You can download the whole soundtrack in .ptcop format here, in .mp3 format here, or download individual tracks from the list below.
.ptcop Format
.mp3 Format
.flac Format
.ogg Format
Links and Downloads
- Click here to download Soaprun
- Click here to download Soaprun Community Edition (English translation, plus some small enhancements) by EnlightenedOne
- Click here to download Soapdish by Brayconn
- Click here to download the Guide by Fluff8836
- Click here to download Pixel's original source code for Soaprun, the server, and all related tools
- Speedrun video by Fluff8836
- Soapdispenser by Brayconn
- Click here to download the server setup guide by andwhyisit
Offline Versions
Note: The offline versions lack most of the functionality of the online versions of soaprun.