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#0090 <MNA<CMU0002<FAI0000<END #0091 <MNA<CMU0002<FAI0001<END #0092 <MNA<CMU0002<FAI0002<END #0093 <MNA<CMU0002<FAI0003<END #0094 <MNA<CMU0002<FAI0004<END #0100 <KEY<SOU0011<DNP0100<FAO0000<TRA0056:0090:0072:0084 #0110 <KEY <SOU0011 <ANP0110:0000:0002<WAI0010<HMC <ANP0110:0000:0000 <MOV0015:0012<WAI0050 <SOU0011 <ANP0111:0000:0002<MYD0000<SMC<WAI0010 <ANP0111:0000:0000<END #0111 <KEY <SOU0011 <ANP0111:0000:0002<WAI0010<HMC <ANP0111:0000:0000 <MOV0015:0007<WAI0050 <SOU0011 <ANP0110:0000:0002<MYD0000<SMC<WAI0010 <ANP0110:0000:0000<END #0200 <KEY <FLJ1103:0212 <ITJ0027:0211 <FLJ1102:0206 <ITJ0029:0210 <ITJ0028:0209 <FLJ1101:0208 <FLJ1106:0204 <FLJ1100:0201 <ANP0200:0003:0005<WAI0050 <ANP0200:0000:0005<WAI0020 <MSG<FL+1100<FL+0961<FAC0022 So you're the hero Sue's been talking about.<NOD<CLR I'm glad...<NOD<CLR I'm Momorin Sakamoto.<NOD Sue's mother.<NOD I took my chance working at the Doctor's side.<NOD But after the flower seeds were located I was of no use to the Doctor.<NOD I was thrown off of the island unceremoniously. Not very nice...<NOD<CLR Men who treat women without respect are barbarians.<NOD<CLR Anyway, that aside.<NOD<CLR I'm presently building a rocket for you.<NOD It will take you all the way up to the Doctor's throne.<NOD But evidently I don't have enough of the parts.<NOD<CLO <ITJ0018:0202<ITJ0023:0203<EVE0201 #0201 <ITJ0018:0202<ITJ0023:0203 <MSG<FAC0022 At the moment I need a Booster.<NOD I wonder if anyone would have a spare handy...<NOD<END #0202 <MSG<CLR .....<NOD<CLR Oh!<NOD I need to borrow that Booster from you.<NOD<CLR <FAC0000<GIT1018Momorin takes the Booster v0.8.<NOD<GIT0000<CLR<FAC0022 There are still not enough of the necessary parts to complete the rocket.<NOD<CLO <IT-0018<EQ-0001<FL-0742 <FL+1106 <EVE0204 #0203 <MSG<CLR .....<NOD<CLR Oh!<NOD I'm going to borrow that.<NOD<CLR <FAC0000<GIT1023Momorin takes the Booster v2.0.<NOD<GIT0000<CLR<FAC0022 There are still not enough of the necessary parts to complete the rocket.<NOD<CLO <IT-0023<EQ-0032<FL-0743 <FL+1106 <EVE0204 #0204 <KEY<MSG<FAC0022 Are you busy now?<YNJ0205<CLR Really?<NOD I see...<NOD<END #0205 <KEY<FL+1101<MSG That's a good answer.<NOD To be expected from a hero.<NOD<CLR For the now, wear this.<NOD<FAC0000 <GIT1024<IT+0024<EQ+0064<FL+1020<MSG <CMU0010Obtained the Mimiga Mask.<WAI0160<NOD<RMU<CLO<GIT0000 <MSG<FAC0022 It suits you.<NOD Even if it's a tad too large...<NOD<CLR The Mimiga working the Plantation are forbidden from speaking with any humans.<NOD With that outfit on, you should be all set to chat with them.<NOD<CLR Got it?<NOD<EVE0207 #0206 <KEY<MSG<FAC0022<CLR Next thing, look for the man named Itoh.<NOD<CLR He's an incredible coward, so I doubt he went very far.<NOD<END #0207 <MSG<FL+1027<FL+1028<FAC0022 There's a minimum amount of electricity needed in order for me to finish the rocket.<NOD If I can get one of those sprinklers in the Plantation, that might be just enough.<NOD<CLR Please do whatever it takes to get a sprinkler.<NOD<END #0208 <KEY<MSG<FAC0022 There's a minimum amount of electricity needed in order for me to finish the rocket.<NOD If anything is going to have electricity around here it'll be those sprinklers outside.<NOD<CLR Please do whatever it takes to get a sprinkler.<NOD<END #0209 <KEY<MSG<FAC0022 Thanks for the help.<NOD<CLR<FAC0000<GIT1028 Show her a Broken Sprinkler.<NOD<CLR<FAC0022 Hm...<NOD<CLR This sprinkler's batteries are no good.<NOD<GIT0000 I can't use it in the condition this one is in.<NOD<END #0210 <KEY<FL+1102<FL+1107<MSG<FAC0022 Welcome back.<NOD<CLR<FAC0000 <GIT1029<IT-0029Show her a Sprinkler.<NOD<CLR<FAC0022 Let's have a look...<NOD<CLR More than enough battery power in this one.<NOD I think this might work.<NOD<GIT0000<SOU0011<CNP0250:0072:0002<CLO<WAI0030 <MSG Next, can you look for a man by the name of Itoh?<NOD<CLR He conceitedly calls himself a "famous technician".<NOD<CLR But he's a big, fat coward.<NOD Itoh was the first to run from the Doctor, but I don't think he got very far from here.<NOD<END #0211 <MSG<FL+1103<FAC0022 Welcome back.<NOD<CLR Did you find Itoh?<NOD<CLR <FAC0000<GIT1027<IT-0027Give her the Controller.<NOD<CLR<FAC0022 There's no doubt about it.<NOD Itoh made this Controller.<NOD<GIT0000<CLR Hm...<NOD<CLR Without him in here helping me it'll be difficult to perform the analysis.<NOD<CLR Well, I'll do what I can.<NOD<EVE0212 #0212 <KEY<MSG<FAC0022 You've done well.<NOD<CLR This process will take some time before it's finished.<NOD Take a rest down below, there's a bed for you.<NOD<END #0250 #0280 <KEY<MSG Would you like to rest?<YNJ0000<FAO0004<CMU0000<WAI0020<CLR .....<NOD<CLO <WAI0050<FLJ1103:0281 <LI+1000<SOU0020<MYD0002<MSG You feel rested.<NOD<CLO<CMU0002<FAI0004<END #0281 <FL-1103<FL+1105<FL+1030<FL+1031<FL+1032<FL+1033<FL+1004<FL-1038<FL+1039 <FL-1026<FL+1036 <MSG .....<NOD<CLO<DNP0200<DNP0350 <LI+1000<SOU0020<MYD0002<MSG You're well rested.<NOD<CLO<CMU0002<FAI0004<END #0350 <KEY<MSG It's a rocket...<NOD<END