stage/mazes.sjs (Boulder Chamber)
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#0090 <MNA<CMU0008<FAI0000<END #0091 <MNA<CMU0008<FAI0001<END #0092 <MNA<CMU0008<FLJ0761:0095<FAI0002<END #0093 <MNA<CMU0008<FAI0003<END #0094 <MNA<CMU0008<FAI0004<END #0095 <ANP0300:0020:0000<FAI0002<END #0100 <KEY<FLJ0763:0101 <SOU0011<ANP0100:0000:0002<FAO0000<MYD0000<TRA0043:0090:0016:0013 #0101 <PRI<MSG It won't open!<NOD<END #0110 <FLJ0764:0111<END #0111 <KEY<FAO0004<MYD0002<TRA0045:0092:0002:0005 #0200 <PRI<FLJ0201:0201<MSG The chest is under a curse that is preventing it from being opened...<NOD<END #0201 <FLJ0766:0001<FL+0766<FL-0765<FL+0202 <SOU0022<CNP0200:0021:0000 <MSG Opened the treasure chest.<NOD<CLR<TAM0005:0010:0000 <CMU0010<GIT0010Missiles are powered up!<WAI0160<NOD<RMU<END #0300 <KEY <FLJ0764:0303 <FLJ0762:0302 <FLJ0761:0301 <FL+0761<MSG<FAC0019<0CS You made it!<NOD I've been waiting for you to get here all this time.<NOD<CLR If this rock is moved we can continue onwards to the labyrinth exit.<NOD<CLR Rumor has it that there's a creature's lair up ahead.<NOD Be prepared for anything.<NOD<CLR Well then, let's move this boulder to the side.<NOD Hold that end and then...<NOD<CLO <ANP0300:0020:0000<0CE<END #0301 <KEY<ANP0300:0000:0000 <MSG<FAC0019 What's wrong?<NOD You're not chickening out, are you?<NOD<CLR Of course not, right!<NOD Now, hold that end already.<NOD<ANP0300:0020:0000<END #0302 <PRI<MSG She's out.<NOD<END #0303 <PRI<MSG<FAC0019 NOW!<NOD<CLR C'mon, it's onto the lair!<NOD<END #0310 <KEY<CNP0310:0012:0004:<ANP0310:0080:0005<SMC <CMU0015<MSG Defeated Balrog!<WAI0140<NOD<CLO<FAC0000 <CMU0008<FAO0004<MYD0002<TRA0044:0600:0009:0014 <END #0320 <KEY <FLJ0762:0322 <FLJ0761:0321<EVE0500 #0321 <0CS<KEY <MNP0320:0000:0000:0000 <MYD0002<MYD0003 <MSG<FAC0019 So? Let's go!<NOD<CLO<FAC0000 <ANP0300:0020:0000<WAI0050<MSG Oomph!<NOD<CLO<FAC0000 <CNP0510:0334:0000 <CNP0511:0334:0002<WAI0100 <MSG<FAC0020 .....<NOD<CLO<FAC0000 <ANP0300:0000:0000<WAI0050<MYD0002 <MSG<FAC0025 It won't move at all.<NOD Maybe it's impossible to move with only the two of us...<NOD<FAC0000<CLO <WAI0050<0CE <MSG Oh Yeaaah!!<CMU0000<NOD<CLO <CNP0310:0009:0002<WAI0100<0CS <CNP0310:0012:0002 <ANP0310:0030:0002<CMU0011 <MYD0000 <MSG<FAC0019 Hey, it's you!<NOD<CLR<FAC0014 Heh heh.<NOD<CLR So you ARE alive!<NOD<CLR And on top of that, you two are trying to escape from the Labyrinth!<NOD<CLR Shouldn't you be resting instead of trying to make an escape, eh?<NOD<CLR Remember that you can't defy the master any more than I can.<NOD<CLR Fine then!<NOD I'm ending this!<NOD<CLR Just stay here with the rest of the scrap metal.<NOD<CLR<FAC0019 Oh, this is perfect!<NOD You can grab the middle...<NOD<FAC0000<CLO<CMU0000 <WAI0100 <ANP0310:0060:0002<WAI0048 <ANP0310:0050:0002<WAI0020 <ANP0300:0020:0000<WAI0020 <MYD0002<MYD0003<MSG<FAC0019 Ready!?!<NOD<ANP0310:0080:0000<MYB0002<ANP0300:0030:0000<SOU0072<CLR<FAC0023 ARE YOU TWO LISTENING TO ME AT ALL!?!?!?!?<0CE<NOD <ANP0310:0000:0000<0CE<CMU0004<CNP0310:0169:0000<BSL0310 <FL+0762<FL+0763 <END #0322 <PRI<END #0330 #0500 <KEY <FLJ0762:0502 <FLJ0761:0501 <MSG It's a giant, heavy boulder.<NOD<CLR There's a breeze coming in from behind the massive rock.<NOD Maybe impossible for one person to move it all alone.<NOD<END #0501 <KEY<WAI0010 <ANP0300:0000:0000 <MSG<FAC0020 Can't you get grab hold any closer to the end?<NOD<CLO <ANP0300:0020:0000<END #0502 <PRI<MSG It's a giant, heavy boulder.<NOD<END #0510 #0511 #0600 <KEY<FL-0763<FL+0764<FL-0760 <SMC<CMU0008<CNP0330:0012:0002<ANP0300:0000:0002 <MNP0320:0000:0000:0000 <FAI0004 <MSG<FAC0005 Defeated again...<NOD<CLR I'll move the rock for you.<NOD But in return...<NOD<ANP0330:0000:0000<CLR Keep the fact that I helped move it for you a secret.<NOD<CLR<FAC0019 Don't you worry!<NOD<FAC0000<CLO <ANP0330:0060:0000<WAI0040 <ANP0330:0050:0002<WAI0020 <MYD0003<ANP0300:0020:0000 <MSG<FAC0019 Here goes!<NOD<CLO<FAC0000 <ANP0500:0010:0000<WAI0100 <ANP0330:0080:0002 <ANP0300:0000:0002 <ANP0500:0020:0000<MYD0002<MSG <FAC0023NNNNgg!!!<WAI0050<CLO<FAC0000 <ANP0330:0000:0002 <WAI0100<MSG<FAC0005 Got it?<ANP0300:0000:0000<NOD Me helping you guys. IT'S OUR LITTLE SECRET!<NOD<CLR<FAC0019 Right!<NOD<CLO<FAC0000<ANP0330:0010:0000 <WAI0160<CNP0200:0015:0002<WAI0040 <MSG<FAC0019 He might actually be one of the good guys.<NOD<CLO <FL+0781<FL+0765<CNP0016:0016:0002<END