stage/frog.sjs (Gum)

(return to the Cave Story 3D script reference page)



It won't open!<NOD<END

Opened the treasure chest.<NOD<GIT1011<IT+0011<CLR
<CMU0010Obtained the Gum Base.<WAI0160<NOD<CMU0000<GIT0000<CLO
You again.<NOD
Do you remember me??<NOD<CLR
That's right in Mimiga Village...<NOD<CLR
I didn't notice at the time,
but now I remember.<NOD<CLR
Aren't you that soldier from
the surface?<NOD<CLR
I don't know how you were
able to stay alive.<NOD<FAC0000<CLO
That's the enemy!<NOD<CLR
He might even be stronger 
than you, Misery!<NOD<CLR<FAC0015
Is that so?<NOD<FAC0000<CLO<WAI0020<ANP0500:0025:0000<WAI0050<ANP0201:0040:0002<MSG
Well, it's a good thing this
soldier is your job.<NOD<CLR
<ANP0500:0020:0000<WAI0030Break him for sure this time
then come back.<NOD<FAC0000<CLO



Defeated Balrog!<WAI0140<NOD