stage/eggx2.sjs (Egg No. 00)
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#0090 <MNA<CMU0014<FAI0000<END #0091 <MNA<CMU0014<FAI0001<END #0092 <MNA<CMU0014<FAI0002<END #0093 <MNA<CMU0014<FAI0003<END #0094 <FLJ0120:0095<ANP0200:0010:0002<EVE0095 #0095 <MNA<CMU0014<FAI0004<END #0100 <KEY<SOU0011<ANP0100:0000:0002<FAO0004<TRA0049:0094:0322:0008 #0110 <KEY<FLJ0940:0111<MSGYou feel a cold wind blowing in...<NOD<END #0111 <KEY<FAO0002<TRA0053:0092:0004:0165 #0110 #0400 #0500 <KEY<MSG Text appears on-screen.<NOD<CLR <TUR>_ INCUBATION SUCCESSFUL.<NOD<FLJ0941:0000<CLO <FL+0941 <0CS<WAI0020<CMU0000<MSG Who's over there?<MYD0002<NOD<CLO <WAI0050<CNP0400:0055:0000 <WAI0010<ANP0400:0003:0000 <WAI0048<ANP0400:0000:0000 <CMU0014<MSG<FAC0010 Oh, it's you.<NOD<CLR I didn't know if you were safe or not.<NOD I'm the only person here.<NOD<CLR After you took off to Sand Zone we sped up preparations for securing an escape.<NOD<CLR It was then that Misery showed up.<NOD Sue was taken away...<NOD and Professor Booster, he disappeared somewhere...<NOD<CLR .....<NOD<CLR The Doctor has apparently acquired the flower seeds.<NOD<CLR But,<NOD I'm not blaming you.<NOD<ANP0400:0000:0002 The Doctor's victory was certain from the moment he acquired the Demon Crown.<NOD<CLR It's only a matter of time before his Mimiga army is ready to attack the surface...<NOD<CLR If that does happen, it'll be futile to try to defeat the Doctor,<NOD even for you.<NOD<CLO<FAC0000 <WAI0010<ANP0400:0003:0002 <WAI0016<ANP0400:0000:0002 <MSG<FAC0010 You have no choice but to run from this place...<NOD<CLR Anyway, an escape is possible, but only by using a Flying Dragon.<NOD That's why I came here all on my own...<NOD<CLR For the Flying Dragon that I need hatched safely.<NOD<CLO<FAC0000 <WAI0050<ANP0400:0000:0000<WAI0100 <MSG<FAC0010 Want to escape with me?<0CE<YNJ0501<FL+0960<CLR<ANP0400:0000:0002 I know, it can't be helped.<NOD You did your best.<NOD<CLO <WAI0010<ANP0400:0003:0002 <WAI0031<ANP0400:0005:0002<SOU0011<CNP0110:0018:0002 <WAI0020<CNP0400:0000:0000<FL+0940 <END #0501 <KEY<WAI0020<ANP0400:0000:0002 <MSG<FAC0010 I see...<NOD<CLO<FAC0000 <WAI0050<ANP0400:0000:0000 <WAI0010<ANP0400:0005:0000 <MSG<FAC0010 Truth be told...<NOD There is one way you can change the Mimiga back into their original state.<NOD<CLR Destroy the island's core.<NOD But the island may collapse if you do destroy the core.<NOD Is it too dangerous a choice for you to make?<NOD<WAI0050<ANP0400:0000:0000<CLR Either way, I don't know where to find the core...<NOD<CLR If you really want to try and do it then I'll wait for you.<NOD<CLR But I may need to flee the island at anytime if it gets too dangerous for me.<NOD<CLO <WAI0010<ANP0400:0003:0002 <WAI0031<ANP0400:0005:0002<SOU0011<CNP0110:0018:0002 <WAI0020<CNP0400:0000:0000<FL+0940 <END <END #0502