stage/curly.sjs (Sand Zone Residence)
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#0090 <MNA<FLJ0341:0095<CMU0002<FAI0000<END #0091 <MNA<CMU0002<FAI0001<END #0092 <MNA<CMU0002<FAI0002<END #0093 <MNA<CMU0002<FAI0003<END #0094 <MNA<FLJ0341:0099<CMU0002<FAI0004<END #0095 <CMU0028<FAI0000<END #0099 <CMU0028<FAI0004<END #0100 <KEY<FLJ0561:0102<SOU0011<ANP0100:0000:0002 <FAO0002<TRA0010:0092:0003:0012 #0101 <KEY<FLJ0561:0102<SOU0011<ANP0101:0000:0002 <FAO0004<TRA0032:0094:0008:0009 #0102 <PRI<MSG It won't open!<NOD<END #0200 <KEY <FLJ0564:0204 <FLJ0562:0206 <MSG I have nothing to say to you.<NOD<END #0201 <KEY<MSG Be careful with those sand crocs. They'll bite suddenly if you dare walk directly on the sand.<NOD And they'll take a big chunk outta ya!<NOD<END #0202 <FLJ0273:0205 <KEY<MSG You must remove the curse to move the Sun Stones.<NOD<END #0203 <KEY<MSG Nyaa!<NOD<CLR I wanna eat some tasty fish. Nyaa!<NOD<END #0204 <MSG Granny Jenka used to look after the Sand Zone a LOOONG time ago with all her puppies.<NOD<CLR Granny Jenka's house is...<NOD<CLR Well...<NOD<CLR Somewhere in Sand Zone.<NOD<END #0205 <KEY<MSG Our real mother was killed long ago by the robot.<NOD<CLR And she's the one who raised us, even before we could open our eyes.<NOD<END #0206 <KEY<MSG Are you looking for red flowers?<NOD The old lady named Jenka might know something about them.<NOD<CLR Oh yeah, one thing...<NOD<CLR If you go to her house, you should take the dog next to the bed. Look in the next room.<NOD<FL+0564<END #0300 <0CS<KEY<DNP0300<MM0<MYD0000<CMU0000 <FL+0561<MSG Aaaaahhhh!<NOD<CLO<KEY <ANP0500:0003:0002<WAI0079<ANP0500:0000:0002 <MSG<FAC0019 HEY!!<NOD<CLO <CNP0310:0122:0002<DNP0200<WAI0010 <CNP0311:0122:0002<DNP0201<WAI0010 <CNP0312:0122:0002<DNP0202<WAI0010 <CNP0313:0122:0002<DNP0203<MSG Look, a visitor after such a long time!!<NOD<CLR I know what you want to do!<NOD But you better wake up!<NOD The Mimiga aren't the enemy!<NOD They're totally harmless!!<NOD<CLR I feel sorry for you...<NOD<CLO <WAI0020<SOU0004<CNP0400:0118:0002<DNP0500 <WAI0010 <MSG I'm on the Mimiga side and not gonna lose to you!!<NOD<CLO <0CE<BSL0400 <CMU0004 <ANP0400:0010:0002 <ANP0310:0010:0002 <ANP0311:0010:0002 <ANP0312:0010:0002 <ANP0313:0010:0002 <END #0310 #0311 #0312 #0313 #0400 <KEY<MYD0400 <FL-0561<FL-0565 <ANP0310:0020:0005 <ANP0311:0020:0005 <ANP0312:0020:0005 <ANP0313:0020:0005 <CNP0400:0117:0005 <ANP0400:0005:0005<WAI0002 <ANP0400:0030:0004<SOU0070 <WAI0100<PRI<CMU0015<MSG You won!<WAI0140<CMU0000<NOD<CLO <KEY<ANP0400:0006:0005<WAI0002<PRI <WAI0050<CMU0002 <MSG<FAC0020 You got me...<NOD We've been defeated...<NOD<CLR Do you plan on disposing of the Mimiga?<YNJ0410<CLR I see...<NOD<CLR What a pity...<NOD<PRI<CLO <FAO0004<TRA0029:0090:0012:0009 #0410 <KEY<FL+0562<MSG<FAC0019 Oh!<NOD<FAC0000<CLO <ANP0400:0010:0000<WAI0050 <MSG<FAC0019 Are you on the Mimiga side, too?<NOD<CLR I know, it's not their fault!<NOD<CLR I'm Curly Brace.<NOD I've been with these little ones since before I can remember.<NOD<CLR<FAC0025 I don't recall anything before that...<NOD Apparently, it's so-called memory loss.<NOD<CLR<FAC0020 I may have been a Mimiga killer, just like the other robots...<NOD<CLO<WAI0040<FAC0000 <MSGMax life increased by 2.<NOD<ML+0002<CLO <EVE0415 #0415 <KEY<MSG<FAC0019 Ooh!<NOD<CLR Your Polar Star, it's thrashed pretty badly.<NOD Wanna trade it for my machine gun?<YNJ0420<FL+0563<FAC0000<CLR <TAM0002:0004:0100<GIT0002Gave Curly the Polar Star.<NOD<CLR <CMU0010<GIT0004Obtained the Machine Gun.<WAI0160<NOD<RMU<CLO <FAO0004<TRA0029:0090:0012:0009 #0420 <KEY<MSG<FAC0019 Oh yeah?<NOD<CLR You can come back anytime if you end up changing your mind or something.<NOD<PRI<CLO<MYD0000 <FAO0004<TRA0029:0090:0012:0009 #0500 <KEY <FLJ0563:0530 <FLJ0562:0515 <MSG<FAC0019 Eh?<NOD<CLR Hello there Mr. Killing Machine.<NOD<CLR Are you still going to knock off all the Mimiga?<YNJ0510<CLR<FAC0020 Oh well...<NOD<CLR That's really too bad...<NOD<END #0510 <KEY<FL+0562<MSG<FAC0019 Ooh!<NOD<CLR You're on the Mimiga side, too?<NOD<CLR I know, it's not their fault!<NOD<CLR I'm Curly,<NOD Curly Brace.<NOD I've been with these little ones since before I can remember.<NOD<CLR<FAC0025 I don't recall anything before that...<NOD Apparently, it's so-called memory loss.<NOD<CLR<FAC0020 I may have been a Mimiga killer, just like the other robots...<NOD<CLO <EVE0515 #0515 <KEY<MSG<FAC0019 Ooh!<NOD<CLR Your Polar Star, it's thrashed pretty badly.<NOD Wanna trade it for my machine gun?<YNJ0520<FL+0563<FAC0000<CLR <TAM0002:0004:0100<GIT0002Gave Curly the Polar Star.<NOD<CLR <CMU0010<GIT0004Obtained the Machine Gun.<WAI0160<NOD<RMU<END #0520 <KEY<MSG<FAC0019 Oh yeah?<NOD<CLR You can come back anytime if you end up changing your mind or something.<NOD<END #0530 <KEY<MSG<FAC0025 This is all the human's fault!<NOD The Mimiga are just being used.<NOD<END