Stage/SandE.tsc (Sand Zone)

(return to the script reference page)

Official English Translation


Oh Yeaaah!!<NOD<CLO
Heh heh.<NOD<FAC0000<CLO
You're still alive...<NOD<FAC0000<CLO
There was one back then, too.<NOD
A tough little robot like you...<NOD<CLR
There'll be no end to this if we
try to take you head-on.<NOD<CLR
<FAC0016I'm sending you to the 
And you, too.<NOD<CLR
Ha ha ha!<NOD<CLR
That was refreshing!<NOD<CLO<PRI<FAO0004<FOM0016

Official English Translation (Curly Story)


Oh Yeaaah!!<NOD<CLO
Heh heh.<NOD<FAC0000<CLO
There was one back then, too.<NOD
A tough little robot like you...<NOD<CLR
He had a red cap and was more
persistent than even you.
But my patience grows thin.<NOD<CLR
<FAC0016I'm sending you to the 
And you, too.<NOD<CLR
Ha ha ha!<NOD<CLR
That was refreshing!<NOD<CLO<PRI<FAO0004<FOM0016

AGTP English Translation


<MSG<FAC0014Sorry! Hee-hee-hee.<NOD<FAC0000<CLO
<MSG<FAC0015So you're alive.<NOD<FAC0000<CLO
<MSG<FAC0015You remind me of the
one back then.<NOD
A tough little robot
just like you...<NOD<CLRI can see confronting
you directly just makes
things complicated.<NOD<CLR
<FAC0016To the Labyrinth with you.<NOD<FAC0000<CLO
<MSG<FAC0016And you as well.<NOD<CLR
Heavens, that felt good.<NOD<CLO<PRI<FAO0004<FOM0016

AGTP+ English Translation by epithetic


<MSG<FAC0014Sorry! Hee-hee-hee.<NOD<FAC0000<CLO
<MSG<FAC0015So you're alive.<NOD<FAC0000<CLO
<MSG<FAC0015There was one back then
too, you know.<NOD
A tough little robot just
like you...<NOD<CLRConfronting you directly
will just drag on forever,
won't it.<NOD<CLRBut who said we have to do
this the straightforward
way?<NOD<CLR<FAC0016I'm sending you to the 
<MSG<FAC0016And you as well.<NOD<CLR<FAC0005...Ehh?<NOD<FAC0000<CLO
<MSG<FAC0016Ha ha ha...<NOD
Heavens, that felt good.<NOD<CLO<PRI<FAO0004<FOM0016