Japanese Script Reference for Cave Story 3D
This page contains Cave Story 3D's Japanese scripts in their rawest form. Expect spoilers.
Script files in other languages are also available
Please keep in mind that while the search box may be case insensitive, it also happens to be extremely literal. Every character you type, including spaces and punctuation, will be treated as one word.
- armsitem.sjs
- credit.sjs
- credits_text.txt
- credits_text_h.txt
- credits_text_m.txt
- head.sjs
- stageselect.sjs
- stage/0.sjs (無)
- stage/almond.sjs (コア)
- stage/ballo1.sjs (封印の間)
- stage/ballo2.sjs (封印の間)
- stage/barr.sjs (バラック小屋)
- stage/blcny1.sjs (バルコニー)
- stage/blcny2.sjs (バルコニー)
- stage/cave.sjs (最初の洞窟)
- stage/cemet.sjs (はかば)
- stage/cent.sjs (大農園)
- stage/centw.sjs (転送室)
- stage/chako.sjs (チャコの家)
- stage/clock.sjs (時計屋)
- stage/comu.sjs (集会場)
- stage/cthu.sjs (クトゥルーの住処)
- stage/cthu2.sjs (クトゥルーの住処?)
- stage/curly.sjs (砂区駐在所)
- stage/curlys.sjs (小部屋)
- stage/dark.sjs (廃屋)
- stage/detour1.sjs (タマゴ回廊の迂回路)
- stage/drain.sjs (暗い所)
- stage/e_blcn.sjs
- stage/e_ceme.sjs
- stage/e_jenk.sjs
- stage/e_labo.sjs
- stage/e_malc.sjs
- stage/e_maze.sjs
- stage/e_sky.sjs
- stage/egend1.sjs (タマゴ回廊の個室)
- stage/egend2.sjs (タマゴ回廊の個室)
- stage/egg1.sjs (タマゴ No.01)
- stage/egg6.sjs (タマゴ No.06)
- stage/eggr.sjs (タマゴ監視室)
- stage/eggr2.sjs (タマゴ監視室?)
- stage/eggs.sjs (タマゴ回廊)
- stage/eggs2.sjs (タマゴ回廊?)
- stage/eggsx.sjs
- stage/eggsx2.sjs
- stage/eggx.sjs (タマゴ No.00)
- stage/eggx2.sjs (タマゴ No.00)
- stage/escape.sjs (崩れタワー)
- stage/fall.sjs (落下)
- stage/frog.sjs (ガム)
- stage/gard.sjs (砂区倉庫)
- stage/hell1.sjs (聖域地下1階)
- stage/hell2.sjs (聖域地下2階)
- stage/hell3.sjs (聖域地下3階)
- stage/hell4.sjs (通路?)
- stage/hell42.sjs (通路?)
- stage/island.sjs
- stage/itoh.sjs (倉庫)
- stage/jail1.sjs (第1牢)
- stage/jail2.sjs (第2牢)
- stage/jenka1.sjs (ジェンカの家)
- stage/jenka2.sjs (ジェンカの家)
- stage/kings.sjs (u)
- stage/little.sjs (リトル家)
- stage/lounge.sjs (休憩所)
- stage/mainmenu.sjs (最初の洞窟)
- stage/malco.sjs (電源室)
- stage/mapi.sjs (物置)
- stage/mazea.sjs (迷宮の店)
- stage/mazeb.sjs (迷宮B)
- stage/mazed.sjs (診療所跡)
- stage/mazeh.sjs (迷宮H)
- stage/mazei.sjs (迷宮I)
- stage/mazem.sjs (迷宮M)
- stage/mazeo.sjs (キャンプ)
- stage/mazes.sjs (大石の塞ぐ所)
- stage/mazew.sjs (迷宮W)
- stage/mibox.sjs (セーブポイント)
- stage/mimi.sjs (ミミガーの村)
- stage/momo.sjs (カクレガ)
- stage/momo2.sjs
- stage/oside.sjs (外壁)
- stage/ostep.sjs (わたり廊下)
- stage/pens1.sjs (アーサーの家)
- stage/pens2.sjs (アーサーの家)
- stage/pixel.sjs (水路の小部屋)
- stage/plant.sjs (山下農園)
- stage/pole.sjs (はぐれ銃鍛冶)
- stage/pool.sjs (貯水池)
- stage/prefa1.sjs (プレハブ)
- stage/prefa2.sjs (プレハブ)
- stage/prinny.sjs (内壁)
- stage/prinny2.sjs (子墓)
- stage/priso1.sjs (最後の洞窟)
- stage/priso2.sjs (最後の洞窟・裏)
- stage/ring1.sjs (王の玉座)
- stage/ring2.sjs (王の食卓)
- stage/ring3.sjs (黒い広間)
- stage/river.sjs (水路)
- stage/sand.sjs (砂区)
- stage/sande.sjs (砂区)
- stage/santa.sjs (サンタの家)
- stage/shelt.sjs (シェルター)
- stage/start.sjs (スタート地点)
- stage/statue.sjs (石像の間)
- stage/stream.sjs (大動脈)
- stage/tt_ballo1.sjs
- stage/tt_hell1.sjs
- stage/tt_hell2.sjs
- stage/tt_hell3.sjs
- stage/tt_hell42.sjs
- stage/tt_ostep.sjs
- stage/tt_start.sjs
- stage/tt_statue.sjs
- stage/weed.sjs (クサムラ)
- stage/weedb.sjs (クサムラの小屋)
- stage/weedd.sjs (処刑室)
- stage/weeds.sjs (セーブポイント)